August 22, 2024

August 22, 2024

Introducing Winston: Briarwood’s First Official Therapy Dog Thursday

Introducing Winston: Briarwood's First Therapy Dog Thursday

There’s a new furry member of our Mustang community! The Briarwood and Tuttle Schools are thrilled to introduce Winston, an almost 2-year-old King Charles Cavalier, as the star of our Therapy Dog Thursdays. Winston, a certified therapy dog, spent the day visiting students across the Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools and The Tuttle School. He offered his calming presence and provided an awesome brain break for students and faculty. The school counselors, Ms. Chapman and Ms. La’Zurs, utilized Winston in their daily activities, doubling the emotional support.


Winston’s first day was a success. One student shared, “It was the best day ever — he helped me so much.” Owned by Erica Zack, Executive Assistant to the Head of School, Winston is set to become a cherished part of the school community, providing comfort to students, faculty, and staff alike.


Therapy Dog Thursdays with Winston are sure to bring even more smiles and comfort to our Mustang community. We can’t wait to see the difference he’ll continue to make!

A Successful Start to Our 2024-2025 Parent Education Speaker Series

A Successful Start to Our 2024-2025 Parent Education Speaker Series

On Tuesday, August 6th, The Briarwood and Tuttle Schools hosted Sarah Ward, M.S., CCC/SLP, for the first event in our 2024-2025 Parent Education Speaker Series. With over 25 years of experience in treating executive dysfunction, Ward is an internationally recognized expert in the field, renowned for her innovative 360 Thinking Executive Function Program.

Throughout the day, Ward presented division-specific information to our faculty and staff members in Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools and The Tuttle School. She focused on executive function — a critical skill set that helps students manage their time, plan their tasks, and achieve goals. Parents attended a dedicated session in the evening, where Ward shared practical strategies for supporting their children’s executive function skills at home.

One parent enthusiastically shared how they were able to immediately apply what they learned, using Ward’s strategies to help their child visualize the process of getting ready for the day.

“We are excited to continue our Parent Education Speaker Series, which helps to create an informed and collaborative school community. We look forward to upcoming sessions in the winter and spring. Renee Attaway-Storer will share insights on integrating Social Thinking across our classrooms, while Erik Shonstrom will guide us in understanding the impact of embodied cognition and outdoor play on student learning and development. These sessions will enhance our journey to excellence at our schools,” said David Mendlewski, Head of School.