Upper School (9th-12th)

Upper School (9th-12th)

The Upper school provides a full secondary experience through rigorous academics, robust extracurricular experiences, and college preparatory skills while continuing to accommodate the individual needs of all learners.

Set Ablaze

The Briarwood School values Transformation through Confidence. And while that core value can be found across our campus, it is always on full display among our Upper School students. Engaging elective courses pique student interest from the crime scene investigations of Forensic Science to developing film in our darkroom in Photography. By  Upper School, student passion for learning is not the only thing set ablaze as our Briarwood Mustangs have found continued success in athletics with our cross country, football and golf teams earning state-wide accolades and our men’s tennis team achieving the district championship.


To Thine Own Self Be True

By ninth grade, Upper School students begin studying themselves as part of our required elective course called Choices. As students reflect on their learning differences, they identify which accommodations, strategies, and learning environments benefit them most. The metacognition they gain provides them with a better understanding of their personal strengths and the confidence and knowledge needed to tackle their areas for growth. Along with their trusted advisor, Upper School students continue to reflect on their educational journey through weekly SEL and EF advisory lessons. By this time, students are scheduling and leading their own advisory intervention time. Our goal is to cultivate independent and confident learners with self-awareness and the ability to self-advocate. Come graduation, Briarwood students will go on to pursue college and career opportunities with the confidence and intellectual, social, and emotional toolkit necessary to be successful. 

Our Goal

Briarwood graduates pursue college and career opportunities post-high school. Our goal is to cultivate independent and confident learners with self-awareness and the ability to self-advocate. Students gain a better understanding of their personal strengths and diagnosis, as well as identifying which accommodations, strategies, and learning environments benefit them most. Structured learning strategies are directly taught and practiced across the content areas with consistency from one grade-level to the next. Together with a focus on developing executive functioning, building character, and organizational skills our students are well prepared to meet the challenges of the next step of their journey beyond Briarwood.


Upper School curricula continue to align with state standards while also utilizing evidence-based curriculum programs tailored to the unique learning profiles of each student. Academic class levels range from remediation to rigorous college preparatory classes. The outcome is a dynamic learning experience that cultivates the student’s abilities while developing the critical skills needed to become independent and confident learners.

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