Briarwood’s Eagle Scout Crafts Legacy with Project

Colin, an Upper School student at Briarwood, recently completed a remarkable two-part Eagle Scout project. The first part, undertaken before the school year began, involved Colin’s dedicated work on crafting benches for the hallways. These benches, created with care and skill, were designed for use by classmates and future Briarwood students, offering a comfortable addition to our school’s hallways. With determination and support from his family and friends in Pearland Troop 446, he brought this multifaceted project to life.
On the first day of the second part of the project, Colin and his team began by dismantling the old pergola, a structure built back in 1999 by another Briarwood student named Michael for his Eagle Scout Project. The memories of the past were carefully taken apart, making way for a new beginning. They poured the concrete bases for the upcoming pergola, setting a strong foundation for what was to come.
The second day was all about the construction of the new pergola. Colin’s passion and craftsmanship shone as he and his team worked tirelessly, turning raw materials into a stunning piece of architecture for our school. With each swing of the hammer and every precise cut, the pergola took shape, symbolizing a blend of past and present – a legacy of both Eagle Scout projects and Briarwood students. It was a labor of love, made possible by the generosity of Colin’s family and friends. The photos from the project work days stand as a testament to his dedication and the community spirit that made this project a reality.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Colin and Troop 446 for gifting us with the beautiful pergola and benches, two wonderful additions that will be appreciated by all and continue to inspire future generations at our school.